Recently, someone challenged me to write a program to find the mode (or modes) of a list in TI-BASIC. I picked up my TI-83+ and whipped this program up in about half an hour. Somebody else asked me for a copy, so I figured I'd post it on my website.
The program operates in two passes. For the first pass, it finds how many times the most frequent number appears. This is facilitated by grouping the numbers by sorting them, so only one number needs to be counted at a time.
Once it has found the number of times the numbers of the mode appears, it passes through the list a second time and moves all of the numbers of the mode into an output list.
Input list. Will be sorted in ascending order. |
Output list. Contains the modes of LZMODE . |
I |
Generic counter variable, used in For loops. |
C |
(for Count) How many times the current number (stored
in N ) has appeared so far. |
N |
The current number being counted. |
M |
(For Max) How large the largest C has been so far. |
D |
(For Dim) For pass 2, the current position in LMODE . |
Download: LMODE.8Xp
Prompt LZMODE SortA(LZMODE 0→C:0→M:LZMODE(1)→N For(I,1,dim(LZMODE If LZMODE(I)=N:Then C+1→C Else If C>M:C→M 1→C LZMODE(I)→N End:End If C>M:C→M "PASS 2 If M=1:Then Disp "NO MODE" Return:End 0→C:LZMODE(1)→N:1→D:{0}→LMODE For(I,1,dim(LZMODE If LZMODE(I)=N:Then C+1→C Else If C=M:Then N→LMODE(D):D+1→D:End LZMODE(I)→N 1→C End:End If C=M:N→LMODE(D "RETURN":LMODE
Update December 2015: The original version of this program had a bug: if the largest number in the list was a mode of that list, it would not be included in the output. For example, if the list was
{4, 3, 4}
the program would outputNO MODE
instead of{4}
.I discovered this problem right after I wrote this post, and simply worked around it thereafter. However it's been bugging me ever since and I finally sat down and fixed it.